Hourly fee

A way of charging that you pay a fixed unit price for every hour worked by the lawyer. For example, you will pay the unit price of VND 1,000,000 for each hour the lawyer advises you.

Package fee

A way of charging that you pay a package of payments to the lawyers when they solve your case. For example, you and your lawyer agree on a package fee of VND 5,000,000 for the building permit application process for the house you intend to build.

A fee as a percentage of the value of the case

A way of charging that you pay the lawyers a specific rate of the value of the case, the value of the contract, or the value of the project you hire them to do. For example, you and your lawyer agree on a fee is 10% of the cost of a trademark licensing contract that you have signed after you have been consulted and negotiated with your partner.

Fixed monthly fee

A way of charging that you pay a fixed monthly payment to the lawyers for them to perform regular legal services for you. For example, you and your lawyers agree on a fixed fee of VND 20,000,000/month for them to consult regularly for your company.

Additional costs

You and your lawyers may agree on expenses incurred during their performance of the work for you. For example, lawyers’ travel expenses if they have to travel long distances, copy documents, send parcels, or the fees they pay on behalf of you to the state agencies.


Therefore, you can rely on the arising legal issues to be able to choose an appropriate charging method. However, each form will have an authorized service fee that varies from case to case and agreement on the level of prices before implementation.